A The National Institute of Good Governance (NIGG) has launched the following Certificate Courses in different areas related to good governance and allied subjects :


1. Certificate in Planning and Development in India
2. Certificate in Political Theory
3. Certificate in Good Governance and Management
4. Certificate in Government Accountability and Public Audit
5. Certificate in Economic History of India
6. Certificate in NGOs, Governance and Social Change
7. Certificate in Social Problems of India
8. Certificate in Community Development
9. Certificate in Media and Communication
10. Certificate in e-Governance

Duration : Three Months

Eligibility : No Minimum Educational Qualification has been led down. All those interested in acquiring expert knowledge of good governance and allied fields are eligible to apply.

Fee : Rs. 3500 or US$ 85 only to be paid on account of admission, registration and evaluation fee.

This amount is to be transferred to our Bank Account having the following details :

Name of the Account : National Institute of Good Governance
Bank Name : Indian Bank, Saket Branch, New Delhi, India
Account Number : 6769154374
IFS Code : IDIB000S097

Step by step method of learning at the National Institute of Good Governance :

1. Get the Admission Form downloaded and complete the same
2. Email the filled-up Admission Form
3. Pay the Admission Fee by Cheque / Draft / Electronic Transfer
4. Receive the Roll Number and Study Materials
5. Go through the e-book carefully
6. Complete the assignments and send the same to the Institute by Email / Post
7. Submit the Project Report based on your experience and knowledge acquired regarding any topic relevant to the admitted student
8. Wait for the announcement of results
9. Receive the Certificate (Online)

In case of any clarification, contact the Facilitation Officer, National Institute of Good Governance (NIGG), A 14-15-16, Paryavaran Complex, New Delhi - 110030, India by post or by Email : [email protected]

For any clarification, contact may be made through telephone by calling on 011-29533801, 011-29533830, 011-29535053.

24-Hours Helpline : 9999833886

All those interested in getting admitted to one of the Certificate level courses are here by advised to fill-up the Admission Form given below and send the same on the above mentioned address by email or by post along with payment of Rs. 3500 by cheque / draft / RTGS etc.

Good governance

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    Easy Communication


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    Hassle Free Life


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